Hi, my name is Jose Mejia Munoz
I'm a developer that likes to build scalable software

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About me

I am a cybersecurity graduate from City College of San Francisco. However, I have experienced with software development through self-taught. Throughout my educational career, I worked at Laney college as a python tutor. Also, I volunteered at City College of San Francisco as a web developer tutor HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Moreover, I got an internship at the San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, a non-profit organization. My role in the organization was in both the back end and front end. I used technologies such as Java, NodeJS, Express, JavaScript, MySQL, React and React Native. Now, I am fully focused on Software Development. .

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Full-stack web application that allows users to add, edit, delete a post, and comment, and update users images.

Test Credential
Email: test@gmail.com
Password: test
I used Node/Express to create a REST API and PostgreSQL for the data storage. Also, set up a domain name and configure an SSL Certificate for the API sever. Moreover, I used React, JavaScript Hooks & React-Router, Bootstrap 4,Sass, Stripe to accept payments. Now an open source project.

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Full-stack web application that allows users to sell or buy any type of items.

I used Java, Spring Boot to create a REST API and MySQL for the data storage. sever. Moreover, I used React, Redux Tool Kit, Hooks & React-Router, Tailwind css, Sass. NOTE: application is under construction.

See Live Source Code

Carna challenge

Full-stack Mobile application (project challenge for Carna company)

I used React Native, Node and Express to create a REST API and PostgreSQL for the data storage. sever. Moreover,I used Hooks & React navigation, authentication with JWT and Asyncstorage.

See Live Source Code

Coastal Natives Challenge

Full-stack Web application (project challenge for Coastal Native company)

I used NextJS, Material UI, Prisma, PostgreSQL, JavaScript. Moreover,I implemented basic authentication with auth0.

See Live Source Code

Sf Living Wage Coalition

Full-stack mobile app. The application allows users to participate in the art auction, assistance. Moreover, users will be notified about the new events such as art auctions and events that the organization host.

We used Node, Express, knex to build REST API & MySql for data storage. We used React Native, Hooks, React Navigation.

See Live Source Code

TapOnIt challenge

Full-stack Web application (project challenge for TapOnIt company)

I used React, hooks , React Router, Node and Express to create a REST API and PostgreSQL for the data storage. sever. Moreover,I used Hooks & React Router.

See Live Source Code

Desktop App

Java Desktop application.

The application allows users to create, retrieve, update, delete data.

I used MySQL for data storage; also, I used JPA and swing for the GUI.

See Live Source Code

Open Source

Website for Alphabet an online programming community.

Collaborate in the creation of the website's front-end according to the design. I used HTML, Sass, Bootstrap.

See Live Source Code

SF Living Wage Admin Tool

This admin tool will allow the organization to manage the mobile app content.

I used Node/Express to create a REST API and MySQL for the data storage. Also, I used bcrypt to encrypt password, JWT for authentication and Knexjs. Moreover, I used React, Hooks, React-Toastify & React-Router, Bootstrap 4 .

See Live Source Code

Vanilla JS

JavaScript challenges for a web developer course.

I used HTML and CSS to makeup the website and JavaScript and JQuery for the DOM manipulation.

See Live Source Code

Desktop App

Java Desktop application.

I used Arrays to save data and swing for the GUI.

See Live Source Code

Prototyping New Feature for Sf Living Wage Coalition Mobile App

This new feature will collect user's data about problems(discrimination, no breaks) that they are facing in their work place so the organization will be able to help them.

I used React Native, NodeJS/Expres to build a REST API and PostgreSQL for data storage.

See Live Source Code


Necodt startup company located on Latin America. Created a REST API for a contact form.

I used NodeJS/Express to create a REST API and PostgreSQL for data storage.

See Live Source Code

Sf Living Wage Coalition

Mobile app version 1. The organization wanted to be deployed as soon as possible to show the events that they host and a donation page.

I used Java, Android Studio, HTML, and CSS.

See Live Source Code

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs app. The app allows user to practice the verbs by a random display when the button is pressed.

I used java and android studio. Also, I deployed the app to the Google Play Store.

See Live Source Code

Database Connection

Console app that allows users to interact with a database. The app has a menu that allows the user to see what they can do. From the menu, the user can retrieve, update, delete, and read data that it is stored in the database.

I used Python and MySql database.

See Live Source Code

Irregular Verbs

Desktop application that allows users to enter a base form of the verb and hit OK, and it will display the three forms of the verbs.

I used Python and tkinter.

See Live Source Code
